GraphQL Client Setup

The sample uses graphql-request to interact with Niftory's GraphQL endpoints.

For production use-cases, we recommend using urql or Apollo clients.

Revisit our rationale for starting with GraphQL.


Your production GraphQL Endpoint for all Niftory Requests.


Targets blockchain prod.


    // Response


Your staging GraphQL Endpoint for all Niftory Requests.


Targets blockchain testnet.


    // Response
GraphQL Client with graphql-request
 * Creates a graphQL client for use in the browser, using the user's auth token for authentication
 * @param url The URL of the GraphQL API
 * @param apiKey The API key
 * @param session The user session
 * @returns The graphQL client
export function getFrontendGraphQLClient(
  url: string,
  apiKey: string,
  session: Session | null
) {
  return new GraphQLClient(url, {
    headers: {
      "X-Niftory-API-Key": apiKey,
      Authorization: session?.authToken ? `Bearer ${session.authToken}` : "",
GraphQL Client with URQL
export function getGraphQLClient(
  url: string,
  apiKey: string,
  session: Session | null
) {
  return createClient({
    url: url,
    fetchOptions: {
      headers: {
        "X-Niftory-API-Key": apiKey,
        Authorization: session?.authToken ? `Bearer ${session.authToken}` : "",

export const GraphQLClientProvider = ({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) => {
  const { data: session } = useSession();

  const graphqlClient = getGraphQLClient(
    process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_PATH as string,
    process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_KEY as string,

  return <Provider value={graphqlClient}>{children}</Provider>;

No matter what client library you use, the 3 things you need to make requests to the Niftory API are:

You can use the Niftory API in staging mode, which doesn't affect your production data, and executes blockchain transactions on testnet. The API endpoint you use -- vs. determines the mode.

We strongly recommend you use the API's staging endpoint until you are ready to deploy your app to production.

Last updated