API Quickstart

Let's get you set up!

Go through the Niftory Quickstart before starting this section.

Set up API Playground

At this point you're fully set up to start building with Niftory. Let's get you a playground to experiment with the API quickly:

Add the values of API Key and Client secret from the previous section to these request headers:

  • X-Niftory-API-Key

  • X-Niftory-Client-Secret

If you're using Apollo Studio, copy/paste the values into the environment variables section as "apiKey" and "clientSecret"

Try making API calls

You can make API calls against some sample content we've already created.

The next sections walk you through some specific API calls:

Learn more about the Niftory API

Ready to create your own app?

Congratulations! You're all set up. We can't wait to see what you build with Niftory. Don't forget to join our developer community and share what you're building.

We recommend you start by cloning the Niftory Sample App to get the basics light up for free!

Last updated