API calls with Sample Content

Explore the API against the sample app's content

These API calls are against a common sample environment. To get your own application, follow the Create Your Account steps after this!

Login to the Niftory Sample App at sample.niftory.com

This is a deployed version of our Sample App, managed by Niftory.

Copy the API Key and Authorization header from the app

For your convenience, the app's API key is printed out for you, and authorization header can be copied after you log in to the app:

Add the values you copied from the previous sections to these request headers:

  • X-Niftory-API-Key

  • Authorization

In Apollo Studio, copy/paste the values into the environment variables section as "apiKey" and "token"

Try making API calls

Here's an example query to try:

query NFTModelsQuery {
  nftModels {
    items {

This query returns the list of NFTModels that the Sample App has available for users to mint an NFT from. For more queries, see Querying NFTs.

Learn more about the Niftory API:

Niftory Data ModelAPI Cheat Sheet

Now you're ready to build your own - we recommend you start with the Niftory Sample App to get the basics set up!

Last updated